Where's the good in goodbye?

Turns out I'm nothing more than human. I know I'm bad at predicting feelings, but this was just waay off anything I'd ever imagine 😄. But I should've known it wasn't a good idea to go out. I just should have left it alone and counted our last casual goodbyes as the last.

Started the evening with an extraordinary dinner at Upper House (Gothia Towers). It was six courses with some appetizers before, in between and after. It was good thing I hadn't had the time to eat properly before cause I was so full after the desserts I was almost feeling ill. My stomach was all in knots, but realized later that was probably more because of the upcoming goodbyes with my friends. Cause after the dinner (which took 4,5h..!!😳) I went directly to a friends apartment and then out. It turns out I underestimated how bad I am at goodbyes. I really can't stand them. My stomach hurts and I'm trying real bad to pull myself together. At the same time as I never want to leave its like I can't get away fast enough. It's a situation I would much rather run from but I don't want to leave cause I know I won't see the person for such a long time. Dilemma.

But I'm going to bed now, I have a busy day ahead tomorrow with finishing up everything before Monday. And I swear to all that's holy, I'm gonna pretend I'm going away for two weeks on vacation to a sunny beach instead of a year. My stomach can't take it, and don't ask me how I feel cause I'll just start crying again 🙈😆

Thanks to everyone who make my life worth living (yes I'm gonna go deep on you). I'm happy to have all of you in my life ❀

(The view from the restaurant was đŸ‘ŒđŸ»đŸ˜)

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