
Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.

C. S. Lewis

I wish it were over, we seem to never end.

And yet, of all these things, we feel sadness the most. We are never buoyed upon an ocean of apathy. We are never crushed by complacency. We are never moved by the okayness of the world.

Sadness and pain, to help us flee danger and hurt. To help us get away when we’re bleeding. You have a body and it screams “Something stirs like broken glass in my chest, leave this place, before I die.”

An animal part of us, still here after all these years, breaks our hearts.


I stood still, vision blurring, and in that moment, I heard my heart break.
It was a small, clean sound, like the snapping of a flower’s stem.

on repeat