All my favorite conversations are always made in the AM

Isn't it funny how I said I was gonna do better at updating and then.... nothing?
Truth is I just don't have anything to say. Nothing major has happened and the updates I've made on facebook pretty much covers it all.
One thing I can tell you though, one thing you don't think about before becoming an au pair, is that there's a regular weekday here as well when not a lot of excitement happens. Before going here all you think about are the amazing things that you wanna do, not the times in between when you have days off and nothing to do. But it's just like when you're at home, weekdays are for work and you do all the other fun stuff on the weekends! 😊

So for now that's how it is! I read my books and drink my coffee and thinking about it, that's kind of nice too ☺️


Oh all the while, horses running down my veins

Hi everyone!
I had a big fight with the blog a couple weeks ago and we haven't been able to kiss and make up until now.
I was thinking a lot as I mentioned in the last post and wrote some of it down, but I never got anywhere with it in the way that I could later post them. That kind of took the fun out of it. It's so frustrating when I can't find the right way to express myself -.- 😜
Either way, I wanted to give it another try, cause even though most of the world's population isn't reading this blog, I wanted to start writing one because it'd be like a diary to look back at later. So for the sake of that, and the minority of the world's population who actually do read my blog, I'm gonna make an effort to get back to awesome.
Not much has happened the past month though. Mom got here Saturday (it's thursday today) and I have been saving money for that so I've been spending most of my time at home. So what I'm gonna talk about is morning routines: one thing that I've always wanted but never had the energy to figure out. I have always enjoyed being up early in the morning but can never get up without a reason, like work. So what I do now is kind of perfect for that, since I only work an hour in the morning making breakfast for the kids and then getting them to school cause when I'm done it's still morning. I've gone through different ones since I've come here, all from watching TV to sleeping. One that stuck for a while was bringing a coffee from starbucks back home and relax in bed after I ate my beloved bagel for breakfast. This routine fell apart though when I stopped enjoying my vanilla latte with cinnamon (cause the baristas rarely got it done in the right way). I also started to feel I needed to get out of the house so I was looking into cafées in Stamford and found one that's really cosy and has the best latte! Autumn Spice latte, and guess what??! They also sell churros! 😃 This café is not my morning routine, but since I've started to read my books again it's really awesome to sit there with my latte and read, or like now, write.
Tonight I'm going in to the city to meet up with mom and we're gonna be there until Sunday when she flies back to Sweden! 
I hope you all are gonna have a great weekend too, tjingeling ☺️

Get on my elevator, baby we're going up

M started high school this year and made the girl's soccer varsity team, which is awesome! 😃 The have a game every Saturday and today was a home game so we all went to watch! It was crazy hot and I felt a little bad for the girls running around in 27 degrees!!
Yesterday J got out early from school so we made a day out of it and went to the favorite burger's place and then bowling and the arcade. And for dinner the whole family had pizza. = great day 😜

For some reason didn't my host dad believe me when I said I could eat the rest of the pizza by myself after I had already finished 2 slices... I couldn't really prove it to him cause we were all sharing but seriously??! Piece of cake 😏 (it was delicious too!)
It's still summer here and most days hot and humid outside. I love the weather but since I'm so sticky all the time it's not comfortable wearing my hair down, so I've done this (👇🏻) to it the past couple of days. Don't know why I've never tried it before but it's so simple and more fun than just an ordinary ponytail!

Tomorrow me, J and my host mom is going to Au Pair Care's family day! It's a farm and the activity is apple picking, which is gonna be interesting! 
Hope everyone has a great Sunday with as little Sunday-anxiety as possible 😚