Hi everyone.
I've been terrible att keeping you updated, but there has been a lot to take in since I got to my host family Thursday.
It was a strange feeling getting to the house and meeting everyone. Not necessarily a bad strange, but very different from anything I've felt before. Thursday was simple with some Italian food and later Insurgent (which I fell asleep to😄🙈). It's a really good movie but the time zones and events of the past couple of days caught up to me and I couldn't help it 😜
Friday K, the kids babysitter who has helped them during the summer, and the kids took me around town and showed me all the important places like the kids schools, places for their after school activities, the pool and, most importantly, the mall 😏 Later some family came to visit and we had dinner, and I had a really good time. I've always loved family get-togethers, doesn't matter who's family it is! ☺️
Saturday and Sunday me and R had time to sit down and talk, and Sunday my area director from the agency came to visit and we had a 45 min "meeting" for 1,5 hours and we talked some more. She showed me around town a little bit too before we went to the pool with the kids, and talked some. Then back home for dinner and did some talking there too. It's fun to talk. And you need to talk about a lot of things when you start working as an au pair. 😜
Yesterday L also showed me around town, but also the car, and I'm getting the hang of things a little bit more every minute.💡
So today M had soccer practice, and while that went on me, J and the kids cousin who's stayed with us since Friday went to get gum, ice cream and then to the pool. It's been hot today so it was nice to cool off and at the same time have some fun with the kids 😎
This is my knight in shining armor 💪🏻👇🏻

And this is something for you mom 👇🏻

It's called a "crock-pot" and slowly cooks the food throughout the day. I put in the sausage and tomato sauce + tomatoes in at 1. It cooked on high for an hour before I set it on low and added onions. Then at 5 I added peppers and it was ready to eat a couple of hours later when the peppers had cooked a little bit. Didn't get the chance to taste it today but it smelled 👌🏻
Have a zzzuper Tuesday! ❤️