It's really weird thinking back a year, to this exact date, to what I did that day and where I am today, and seeing everything that's happened. Also knowing the coming year will bring even more changes but having no idea what those new memories will look like!
I am happy about the past year. I've learned more than I ever thought I would! ❤️

The night till today was the first night I slept at my parents since I moved out (the second time) 2 years ago! It was nice to be back "home" (even though my apartment is 10 min away and I'm here all the time) but as I was trying to sleep this morning I realized the blinds needed some upgrades cause they let in, what felt like, all the light, and I ended up only temporarily dozing off the entire morning!
So tonight I've done this 👇🏻😏

Hopefully it will work! 💪🏻 (I don't know about the white fabric though. Probably should have used black linens... For next time!)