Här kommer alla känslor på en och samma gång?

Okay. Truth be told, I'm quite nervous now. I haven't been at all before yesterday, cause I'm so used to jumping in to things head first and, as long as I'm sure it's what I really want to do, I deal with whatever comes my way. This is however a little different from what I'm used to.... 😁😜

And I'm really not good at goodbyes either. Don't believe in them. Goodbye is so final, like you're never gonna see each other again. It's the kind of thing where I act all cool and like I don't care so I won't start crying, cause if I start crying I will probably never stop and what's the purpose with that?

But it's really strange saying goodbye for a year. How do you even do that?? "Okay..... I'm gonna see you, but not for a very long time..... don't forget me..???". I'll probably talk more with people when I'm away than I ever do now. Or maybe not cause I'll be too busy doing everything I want to do. 😋

I've always been the type of person who might not speak to someone for 1, 2 or 5 years but when you see each other again you just pick up where you left off. I understand that everyone is not like that, but I think if you're friendship is as good as you think, not talking for quite some time is not a problem. I've had friendships that only got better when we were away from each other for a longer period of time. I'm also absolutely terrible at texting or writing in chats with people. I just don't have the patience. So if I'm for some reason away from someone and can't see them face to face it's not unheard of for me to lose contact with them until we can meet up again. (I apologize for this beforehand😜😘) (Mom you'll have to nag me to call you. Probably schedule a time🙊🙈🙉❤️)

Okay. Tonight I'm going out to dinner with my parents and I still have to finish packing and other things before that. So  have to go!! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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