i don't know

It doesn't matter how much you own or how many people you know if you feel unnoticed. Being seen, and not only watched, is so underrated. People focus on material things and disregard the need we all have to actually be noticed, to feel heard and like we're a part of the world. Maybe we don't know what we want or where we stand but if we have people who care about us and are willing to take the time to really get to know the, ever changing, person we are, all the bad things that happens won't matter that much. But what I think people tend to forget is that we can't expect someone we last met the other week to be the same person today. So many things could have happened in between that time when you didn't see each other. We need to keep talking and always try to make time for people if there is ever an interest in having other people do the same for us.

People say the falling in love is easy but staying in love is the hard part. We have to keep falling, all the time. We have to keep getting to know one another all the time to stay in love. I think this is a blind spot for a lot of people. They are stressed and have worried minds who are not capable of seeing what is right in front of them. "Life is what happens while we are busy making other plans". However, if we do spend some time listening to one another, being honest and accepting of the fact we're different, no one will feel dismissed. 

Never let someone create a world of solitude, help them put down the shovel when they begin to build walls.

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