
As cliché as it sounds, it's so true that there is something good in everything, something to be learned in every aspect of your life. Don't forget the positive in whatever you do, and if you can't find it, gather as many people as you possibly can and GO search for it and name it something funny with the word laughter in it. Cause when it is hard, that one tiny positive thought will stop the rain from falling and turn the whole world upside down.

And believe it. Have patience. Maybe you find that the search was the good thing and instead of telling eveybody you found the laughter, you keep it to yourself so you can search for it all over again tomorrow. Cause it's okay to be selfish sometimes, and if being with the people you love makes you smile, then what the hell are you doing out in the woods all alone?!

You will see that the goal is not eveything, it's many times the journey you will remember.

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