I don't think I've ever been homesick cause I'm not sure how that feels. I'm so used to being on my own and depending on myself so it's sometimes harder for me to adapt to being with people. 😜
Living with a family is great though! It was one of the things I looked forward to the most with being an au pair. Living on my own for 5 years got boring and sometimes felt very isolating, and even though I appreciate the silence I'm not a person who's supposed to be alone (or maybe I've just been alone for too many years of my life and got tired of it). And being an au pair is not only about taking care of children, but also about the cultural exchange and meeting other people from places and countries you're not used to.
I am yet to find some friends I can bother with my weirdness (cause supposedly weirdness is genetic). And when I find myself in unfamiliar surroundings (both literally and figuratively) I tend to turn away from others and go into myself a little. I am also usually suspisious about most things until I know what it is and how it works. I'm defintiely good with meeting new people, and usually it doesn't take much for me to like someone, but I'm very personal (intense, if you will) and until I feel like I can get up close with someone, we're more like acquaintances. I like to talk a lot, and I'm not a shallow person, so it doesn't take that long for me to run of of comments about the weather and get to the personal stuff. I like talking about personal things and hear other people tell me about their personal business, cause it gives the friendship a deeper meaning (I'll show you mine if you show me yours), but you don't usually do that the first couple of times you meet someone. So in the meantime I get restless (I'm a restless person) and a little bored (meaning=it's not you, it's me😉). I think this is also the reason I try to be very honest with everyone, cause if they can't take it I'll know pretty soon we're not gonna work like the well-oiled machine I like my friendships to resemble.
So during this period of time before I get up close and personal with someone here, I feel a little lonely from time to time 😜 But I have also come in contact with some great people so far, I just have to stop being a potato, get off my butt and get out of the house. It's easy to be lazy when you don't know anyone but being lazy never got anyone anywhere, right?
So, to wrap this little package up I'd like to say that yes, occasionally I get a little lonely, but it hasn't lasted for very long cause either the family makes me feel better, or one of my well-oiled machines from home gets me on the right track. So thanks for that! ☺️❤️
But anyway, about the fun things that I was talking about in the last post are two things (for now):
1. My mom has booked her trip here to the states in late october WHICH I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS MUCH! I mean, my host family is not like everybody else (which is the best thing about them, I fit right in) but my mom she's weird on a whole other level. You know how people say "people are only normal until you get to know them", and you know the kind of weird that surfaces when you get to know them, that's the kind of weird my mom is when she's still in the "unknown" phase. And when you get to know her it only gets better, cause you can't really laugh at someone you don't know 😆 That's my favorite thing about my mom!

Inte ömma Mimmi älsa mamma ❤️
2. Me and dad has booked my ticket home for a week in June! He had some miles collected from all his previous flights I could use so the flight both ways only costed me 850kr (about 100 USD) and that included seating for the flight between Newark and Copenhagen! 😏 I'm so excited for this! One of my best friends back home is getting married which is so awesome I can't express meself properly 💇🏼💅🏻💄👗🎤❤️👰🏼💍👱🏼🎉🎉🎉🎂🍷💃🏼🍷💃🏼💃🏼🍷💃🏼🍸🍸💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💗💜💛💚💙❤️
I also feel like it's a good time to go because it's not too early after getting here so it's not like it's gonna be terrible leaving again, and it's in the summer so hopefully the weather will be nice. I can't WAIT to see everyone again! 😃😃
That's it for now, hopefully there will be more good news soon (cause I like good news like these!)
This post took me about three hours to finish, cause me and J were watching Jaws 1, and when that was over Jaws 2 followed (in true American style, I've learned) so we got stuck until 2.30 when it started to get ridiculous to stay up just to watch the ending. So here I am, finishing writing it x hours after I started 😄
Tomorrow I'm gonna tell you all about the vlog diary my sister and I are doing! Talk to you then 😎