It is so strange looking back at the last two months I spent in Sweden. It was a mix of getting everything done at work and ending that chapter, getting ready for the move to the US and saying goodbye to everyone. I had soo many people I wanted to see and things I wanted to do and places I wanted to go that I couldn't do it all. Frankly I'm glad I didn't run around the country or stressed from one place to another more than I did. I don't think I've ever been on the highway more times than this summer!
Now as I've taken a step away from all that and settled down more here I've had a lot of time to think about things (like there would ever come a time I don't "have time" to think..) and occasionally I hear a song or see a picture or a post on facebook reminding me of something that happened during those two months. Listening to Broken Arrows by Avicii does that in the best way.
People who know me knows that planning my own schedule is not my strong suit, which is usually how I prefer it, but everything I did this summer ended up being very welled planned. It's not so strange that what turned out to be one of my best memories was the only spontaneous thing that happened. Those two days and especially that one night out is what Broken Arrows reminds me of anytime I hear it.
Thanks Amanda for a wickedly awesome "weekend" 😜❤️

Look outside! Favorite place 😍

You know that feeling you have when you're not in the mood to do something, you're a little down and just wanna lie in bed all day eating things that are not good for you, but you end up doing it and you have the time of your life? That's the feeling I had this night. Sharing it with a friend I had spent close to no time with for what felt like years, was also a thing that made it all so much better. 😍