HOWEVER, because I always aspire to be positive, I will tell you about me and J biking in the Nature Center today. So the story is this: Tuesday was the first day of school for the kids and yesterday we didn't really have time to do anything because of soccer practice and other things, but we were talking about going for a ride on the bikes. So today when we got home after I picked him up from school, and the rain had stopped pouring a while ago, we decided to do it. So we prepared with a fast change of clothes (me), filled a bottle of water (me) and packed phone, money and ID in a protective plastic bag (me😄), but when we opened the garage door the rain was pouring 10 times worse than before it stopped. We were however still determined to do it, and J still wanted to prove he could get the bikes in the car by himself (what's up with me always being surrounded by stubborn people?😆), so I went back in to modify my clothing once again (rain jacket!) and got some towels and a warm sweater for the stubborn one for the car ride back, in case it got cold (it's generally still hot outside here, around 30 degrees, but you never know). When I came back out the bikes were almost in the car, so the only thing left was to go to the bike shop down the street to pump air into the wheels.
It turned out you're not allowed to bike on the property of the nature center, which was not obvious or written clearly anywhere, but before they told us we had time to enjoy the area a bit, and it was great!!! So beautiful. Especially after a whole day of rain coming down. I almost felt like we were in Sweden! 😛 It almost smelled the same too👃🏻

Not that I'm complaining 😎
I have some fuuuuuun news to tell you tomorrow! But don't hold your breaths. Yet. 😚😘