One of my biggest problems have been that I always wanna be where I'm not. I can't find the peace to be content with where I am. There's always been other people I wanna meet or places I wanna see, but never something specific or long lasting enough for me to meet them or go there. Like when I was in school in Halmstad I always wanted to be in Gothenburg where all the action seemed to be. But there wasn't anything specific there I wanted to do, it was more that I knew Gothenburg would be better than being in Halmstad which was just a place of misery because of school.
The things and places I've left but can't(/have a hard time to) let go of are those where I'm happy to be exactly where I am. With a mind full of jumble mumbles and crap those are my safest places to hide.
I don't know if I still feel this way out of habit but I can't seem to sit down long enough to figure out what to do with my life. I know I don't have to figure out everything right now, but I feel it would bring me a lot of peace figuring it out. Or maybe just find a new safe place. 😜

Plopp ❤️