“I think we spend too much time wondering why we’re not good enough. We waste too much time putting ourselves down, that we don’t ever stop to see that we are good enough. We spend too much time with our heads down and hearts closed, and never get a chance to look up from the ground and see that the sun is shining and tomorrow is another day.”
It's all about the music ♥
Six on the second hand
Two New Year's resulotion
There's just no question what this man should do
Take all the time lost
All the days that I cost
Take what I took and give it back to you
All this time we were waiting for each other
All this time I was waiting for you
We got all these words
Can't waste them on another.
Two New Year's resulotion
There's just no question what this man should do
Take all the time lost
All the days that I cost
Take what I took and give it back to you
All this time we were waiting for each other
All this time I was waiting for you
We got all these words
Can't waste them on another.
Just have a little patience
Still hurting fom a love I lost
I'm feeling your frustration
But any minute all the pain will stop
Just hold me close insode your arms tonight
Don't be too hard on my emotions
Cause I need time
My heart is numb has no feeling so while I'm still healing
Just try to have a little patience
I'll try to be strong, believe me I'm trying to move on
It's complicated but understand me
Cause the scars from run so deep it's been hard
But I have to believe in me
Have a little patience
Keep on running and you never get to feel the moment
It's like you're sleeping cause you don't take the time to take it in
Like a trainwreck, you're on a mission
Tunnel vision got you blinded
Better slow down before you lose ground
It will happen anyway
Paint it over if your world is grey
When you close your eyes to see the view
You miss everything surrounding you
Stop and just look around
You can build your life right on air
What you need will always be there
Get up and look around
You gotta see the hand for it to pull you out
David Archuleta – Look Around
Cause I'm tired of the games, I won't lie, no I'm not ok
You were wrong, you're to blame
Now the world knows your name
So here you go, you finally get a song about you on the radio
Are you happy now that you broke me down?
Now I curse the day that I met you
I hope you know this song is about you
Olly Murs – This Song Is About You
Håll hårt i din goda vän för där ute finns det gott om ormar
Gå med dom som vill dig väl även om dina fickor är tomma
Glöm dom som vill sänka dig, sudda bort bad minded tjommar
Ju mer dom spottar på mig desto snabbare kommer jag blomma
Kapten Röd – Ju Mer Dom Spottar
We're all standing with our backs against the wall, sooner or later
Waiting on a phone that never calls, at all
Heartbreak comes rolling in like a storm, sooner or later
Trying to swim but you're sinking like a stone, alone
I can feel the fire in the night waiting here.
Mat Kearney – Sooner Or Later
Like once in a lifetime, you changed my world! ♥

Satt och stirra på denna bilden jätte länge..! Känns helt sjukt konstigt. Han var verkligen allt jag hade i tre år och sen bara ingenting. Och nu har jag inte sett honom på flera månader. Distansen börjar verkligen kännas nu. Som när jag hyrde Pepril i 1 år och nu känns det som att jag lever i ett annat liv och allt det roliga som hände och betydde så mycket då är från ett tidigare liv jag levde och bara som en dröm nu.
Men det var ju lite annorlunda med honom:) Finaste bäbisen <3<3
Alla mina favvisbilder ^^
Från 2.03 och framåt är det bästa av allt.
There's a time for everyone if they only learn that the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn
There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors when the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours ♥
Helt utan ord, egentligen. Han förändrade mig verkligen. Och i en värld fylld med misslyckanden så fick han mig att känna att jag var värd någonting. Men att försöka få alla att förstå är nog egentligen helt lönlöst.. Och med det inser jag att typ ett år har försvunnit till det. :p GAH ni fattar varför jag inte kunde fotsätta?
Men jag kommer tillslut bara komma ihåg allt det bra. Och allt jag har lärt mig. Allt vi lärde oss tillsammans.
I know that I'll be okay now :)
Westlife – I Lay My Love On You